This morning l was taken to the vets, with no breakfast which l think is against my dog rights. I will look into that.
I had a nice sleep but l think theres something missing now.
Mum picked me up this afternoon and l hot to eat a while cooked chicken all to myself.
The vet did say ' a little ' food to Mum but apparently l am so greedy.
I haven't eaten since last night though.
I also have to wear this silly cone on my head. I did manage to get it off after 10 minutes at home and run round the garden with it, that was fun.
Now its attached to my collar though so l don't think l can get it off anymore.
I also managed to steal Mums dishcloth. Mum says l'll be back to normal in no time.
Anyway. Its time to sleeeeeeep.
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